.Z urich- based practice for architecture, design, digital technologies.
Through research, education and design projects .
Check the [projects], learn more [about] us and [contact] for inquiries.
[design statement]
As architects, we are prone to think synthetically and therefore we are fascinated with technology, as a meta-medium and common ground for varied types of knowledge. We work at the intersection between architecture, design and arts, employing robotic processes, data science methods and computation to express our position in the digital age.
[design projects]
2020.10, “Proteus” in “Architecture and Naturing Affairs”, ed.M.An, L. Hovestadt, Birkhäuser Verlag GmbH
2019.04, “Practicing automation in design’, “Places of Design”, ed. M.Ernst, FHNW, Industrial Design
2018.05, chapter “The future is now” from Czapski Art Foundation publication ‘Akademia Rynku Sztuki #2’
2017.09, paper publication ”Application of Machine Learning within the integrative design and fabrication of robotic rod bending processes” during Design Modelling Symposium 2017 conference
recent talks:
2020.12 Istambul Technical University, MBL, Istambul, Turkey
2020.07 IaaC, MRAC, Barcelona, Spain
2020.06 The Bartlett School of Architecture, Interactive Architecture, London, UK
2019.10 ZHdK, Interaction Design, students lecture, Zurich, Switzerland
2019.10, AIAAF conference talk, Cottbus, Germany
2018.11 Research Design Methods Festival, HKB, Bern
2018.10 ‘Expanding Immersive Design’ conference talk, ZHdK, Zurich
2018.10 University of Art and Design FHNW, Basel
2018.06 “Uneasy art to collect” Czapsky Art Foundation, Poznan, Poland
2018.06 “Robots, creativity and the need of fiction” Poznan University of Technology, Poznan, Poland
2017.09 ENSA V, Paris, Design Modelling Symposium, ‘Application of Machine Learning Within the Integrative Design and Fabrication of Robotic Rod Bending Processes’
2017.03 TU Graz, Open Lecture at the Institute of Architecture and Media in Graz / link
2017.06 Zurich, maker talk @Fablab Zurich
2017.03 AREA Institute, Paris PLEXUS PARIS #02
2020.03, Meta Morf X: Digital Wild, Trondheim Biennale for Art &Technology (curation: Espen Gangvik), NO
2019.10, Lab 30 Media Festival, group exhibition, Augsburg, DE
2019.05, Design Festival Bern, group exhibition, CH
2018.10, ‘The first dance’ performance, ZHdK, Zurich, CH
2018.10, ‘The first dance’ performance, Kulturfolger, Zurich, CH
2018.10, Bits Bots and Brains duo exhibition with Pierre Cutellic, Tetem, Entschede, NL ( curated by Ella Buzo)
2018.09, Proteus 2.0, with Pierre Cutellic, Ars Electronica Festival AT
2018.05, ‘The Means’ project with Mateusz Zwierzycki, Ars Electronica Center, Linz AT/ link
2018.05, ‘Proteus’ project, with Pierre Cutellic, Creative Robotics exhibition ( curated by Johannes Braumann and Kristina Maurer), Ars Electronica Center, Linz AT / link
2017.10, ‘drawN’ project, DRAWBOT exhibition (curated by Emmanuelle Chiappone-Piriou, Leslie Ware), ART[n+1] gallery Paris FR / link
2017.09, ‘The Means’ project with Mateusz Zwierzycki, Tallinn Architecture Biennale (curated by Claudia Pasquero) EE / link
Maria Smigielska is an architect, researcher, and educator based in Zurich, Switzerland.
Graduated from the Architecture department at TU Poznan (Poland, 2009) and the postgraduate program at the chair for Computer-Aided Architectural Design at ETH Zurich (Switzerland, 2013) with diverse experience in academia and practice for architecture and design. Her interest lies in the enhancement of potentials for the digital and physical creation of objects, installations, and interactive systems by modulating varied materials properties, utilizing alternative fabrication methods and novel design strategies.
Maria is currently a researcher at FHNW Basel.